Sunday, 17 November 2013

Going Wild Again!

We had a small fire in the Wild Garden two weeks ago to celebrate Guy Fawkes. It took a bit of effort to get any flames, especially as it was raining but Andy and Mr Flett did get it going. We hope to be able to do this again in the future and even toast some marshmallows!

Children in Need

We had a fantastic time on Friday raising money for Children in Need and having a lot of fun at the same time. The Pupil Council set up lots of stalls in the hall in the afternoon from colouring, nail varnishing to 'Guess which Mr Man visited Pudsey?' Everyone really got into the spirit of the event and we raised a super total of £150.81!
A special thank you to all those who donated yummy homebakes, pennies and books for our stalls. Also to all the children who assisted with the stalls and got themselves really organised.