Sunday, 16 February 2014

Coming Soon....

In the next few weeks we will be raising awareness of Fairtrade Fortnight, celebrating World Book Day on 6th March and also participating in Sport Relief towards the end of March.

We will let you know in more detail what we are planning to do for all of these very soon.

Evie are the Peedie Schools Champions again!

Saturday brought an exciting conclusion to the Primary Indoor League as Evie were playing to maintain the Shore Shield. It really was down to the last night with an exciting game against Hope and Burray Hotspurs who were also in contention!
Fortunately, the Evie team beat the Hotspurs and went on to win the tournament based on the other games played by the teams that night.
It was a very exciting finish to the season! Well done to the team and a special thank you to Paul Barber the team coach for all his time, enthusiasm and commitment.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Getting going again!

It has been a while since I wrote on here and will get back into a pattern again very soon. It has been an exceptionally busy start to the year with one thing and another and I have been doing quite a lot of class teaching between the schools.
Anyhow, we have lots of exciting things coming up from Fairtrade Fortnight to World Book Day this term.
We also have the on-going development of the new build to be involved with.
Our library is also ready for a revamp with many old titles being removed from circulation. We may need to call on parent helpers with that initiative in hte not too distant future.
Miss Rendall finished with us last week and Mrs McCairn is ready to take the P6/7 class full-time until Mrs Omand returns later in the session. We wish her all the best in her new post.