Monday, 19 January 2015

Getting going again!

It has been far too long since I added to this blog so here goes!
We have had a busy start to this term with lots of exciting learning to look forward to. The nursery have really taken a keen interest in camping and climbing so we are looking for ways to develop their interests in this area further....Perhaps not the Old Man of Hoy yet though!
P1 and P2 have been working very hard on their addition skills since we came back and are really enjoying Study Ladder. If you have some time do log into this at home too.
Miss Logie's class have been exploring castles further and creating models. They will soon be moving to Ancient Egypt......A time machine would be useful here.
In Mrs Omand and Mrs McCairn's class the children have been writing some fabulous stories - I am really looking forward to reading the finished pieces. We are hoping to have an author visit later this term from Mike Nicholson for this class.
 We will also have a number of events this term such as Fairtrade Fortnight and Red Nose Day to organise and participate in. Our school library is getting there - an on-going project.... If you have any ideas for creating a really engaging and interesting space please do share them!
And then there is the new build to look forward to getting off the ground this term! Certainly plenty to keep us all going!